Here the Backtrace generated by "M-x toggle-debug-on-error":

    Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument characterp 134217782)
  format("No such math symbol %c on level %d" 134217782 1)
  apply(format ("No such math symbol %c on level %d" 134217782 1))
  error("No such math symbol %c on level %d" 134217782 1)
  (if (or (not symbol) (not (stringp symbol)) (equal symbol "")) (error "No 
such math symbol %c on level %d" char level))
  (let* ((cell (cdlatex-read-char-with-help cdlatex-math-symbol-alist-comb 1 
cdlatex-math-symbol-no-of-levels "Math symbol level %d of %d: " "AVAILABLE MATH 
SYMBOLS.  [%c]=next level " cdlatex-math-symbol-prefix (get (quote cdlatex-math-
symbol-alist-comb) (quote cdlatex-bindings)))) (char (car cell)) (level (cdr 
cell)) (entry (assoc char cdlatex-math-symbol-alist-comb)) (symbol (nth level 
entry))) (if (or (not symbol) (not (stringp symbol)) (equal symbol "")) (error 
"No such math symbol %c on level %d" char level)) (if (or (not (texmathp)) 
(cdlatex-number-of-backslashes-is-odd)) (cdlatex-dollar)) (insert symbol) (if 
(string-match "\\?" symbol) (progn (cdlatex-position-cursor))))
  call-interactively(cdlatex-math-symbol nil nil)

To me it sounds gibberish. Maybe the experts will understand what "level d" 

>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: Eric S Fraga <>
>Data: 23-gen-2016 21.42
>A: ""<>
>Cc: <>
>Ogg: Re: [O] Wrong type argument: characterp, 134217782 (??)
>On Saturday, 23 Jan 2016 at 14:36, wrote:
>> Then I discovered that the backquote symbol was not
>> recognized. Everytime I press it, I get the 'Wrong type argument:
>> characterp, 134217782' message in the mini-buffer.  
>Maybe try
>  M-x toggle-debug-on-error
>and see where that error is arising to see if that gives us a hint as to
>what may be wrong.  I am not sure if the cdlatex code you downloaded has
>been updated for later versions of emacs...
>: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3.3-475-g58af2e

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