On Tue, 2 Feb 2016 15:22:09 +0100
Giacomo M <jackja...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> at work I have Windows 7, at home Windows 10. I use the same emacs 
> configuration, and Consolas as the default font face.
> I indulge myself using org-bullets. At work it works. At home the
> pretty symbol for 3-rd level outlines is missing. An empty rectangle
> is showing instead. Other symbols, like those for the first two
> levels headlines or things like \lambda, work.
> Did anybody experience anything similar?
> Thanks,
> Giacomo

Yes, I faced it too - on CentOS 6.5. I moved to Debian stable to get
rid of the problem, I couldn't find any other solution.

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