
I'm trying to show an Org-mode demo within a folder for a talk. I
can't show my actual work stuff as it's confidential, so I'm trying to
create a self-contained org directory.

I have a dir with a setup like so:

dir/libs/{org-mode, ESS, others}

I'm loading emacs like this (after cd-ing to dir)

emacs -q -l setup/example-config

It's loading org-mode from the ./libs directory (vs. ~/.elisp) and the
first line is:

(cd "/path/to/dir/")

When I do =C-c c= to try a capture example, it's trying to file it
with respect to ~/org and I'm not sure why. Here's the capture section
of dir/setup/example-config:

(setq org-capture-templates
  '(("l" "log" entry (file+headline "./demo/" "Log")
         "* %? \n%u " :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
    ("t" "task" entry (file+headline "./demo/" "Tasks")
         "* todo %? %^g\n%u" :prepend t)
    ("c" "clock" entry (file+datetree "./demo/")
         "* %?\n%u" :clock-in t :clock-keep t)))

The capture buffer wants to create the directory ~/org/demo.

Thanks for any pointers!


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