I am trying with no success to export the most important text from Vikas Rawal 
<https://github.com/vikasrawal/orgpaper/blob/master/orgpapers.org> to pdf via 
LaTeX. I tried C-c C-e l o but I obtain always the error message “Unable to 
resolve link readata-code”. 
This happens because the link readapt-code is not working:

Code block [[readdata-code]] is an example of such a code block. Note
~:results value silent~ switch used in the  ~#+begin_src~ line.

  ,#+NAME: readdata-code
  ,#+BEGIN_SRC R :results value silent



If #+NAME was not inside the SRC block and there was no comma before #+NAME the 
link should work.
Does anyone can help me to export this file to pdf?

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