luke call <> writes:

> On 02/02/16 00:23, Robert Klein wrote:


>> As your 'product' is
>> not relevant to org-mode [....]
> I mentioned OM here only because I thought it of interest to
> org-mode users, which it evidently was to at least two who thanked me,
> and I answered their questions, in order not to be rude to them.

I also thank you for that :-). For the time being, I use org-mode
because of all the features it provides (clocking, reporting, literate
programming, publishing, etc...). I implement a GTD-like workflow in it
with an integrated pomodoro timer and it works like a charm.

Nevertheless, org-mode is rather slow when my file becomes
quite large (~20K lines).

Also, it is a real pain to implement a tool that uses its information
From in some other language than elisp. I have been trying for some time
to implement a competitor of MobileOrg with python-for-android/kivy and
the most difficult part is by far extracting the information out of the
.org files. Actually, I am no fall-backing on a client/server approach
in which emacs is the server, giving access to the org content.

I still like a lot the liberty of the "plain text approach" of
org-mode. It is VERY powerful, but it becomes a real problem when
needing to use that power without emacs.

I did not try onemodel yet, but it looks like it palliates those two
problems. I will definitely take a look at it.

Thank you again for sharing.

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