I've got this code:

#+begin_src latex :packages '(("" "tikz")) :exports results :results output
raw :file fsa.png
  \draw (0,0) grid (10,5);
  \draw (0,0) node[below left] {$A$};
  \draw (10,5) node[above right] {$B$};
  \fill (0,0) circle (2pt);
  \fill (10,5) circle (2pt);

#+begin_src latex :packages '(("" "qtree")) :exports results :results
output raw :file tree1.png
 \Tree [.sum [.squares [.prime-numbers initial seven ] ] ]

running in an org file, and it gives me embedded images in an html file.
(See this <http://147pm.info/omtest1.html>). But they're cramped and have a
strange gray background. How can I not clip and get the png transparent


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