Hi Axel,

Axel Kielhorn <org-m...@axelkielhorn.de> writes:

> I want to export a subtree with a columnview dynamic block in
> landscape orientation.  I don’t want just a rotated table, the whole
> page should be in landscape mode.  I may have to tweak the page layout
> using geometry as well, thus I probably need EXPORT_LATEX_HEADER.

> * Projektboard                                                     :noexport:
> :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: Projektboard
> :END:
> #+EXPORT_TITLE: Projektboard
> ...

I think what you want to do is put the EXPORT_LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS (and
the TITLE) as a property in the property drawer, like this:

* Projektboard                                                     :noexport:
:EXPORT_TITLE: Projektboard
:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: Projektboard

That has the intended effect when I test it here, and my setup is
similar to yours.  In general, when you just want to affect the export
options of a subtree, you use properties, rather than keywords.


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