Hi John,

I added a section to tufte-latex.org that gives some instruction on how
to use that file.  I hope it goes some way toward answering your
queries.  I pushed the changes to the github repo:


Some other responses interspersed below.

John Hendy writes:

> Just gave this a whirl and am not sure if I'm doing something wrong. I
> think I have all of the required LaTeX packages.[1] I may have missed
> it, but I didn't see instructions that explicitly stated how to export
> the file tufte-latex.org. I assumed I could just =C-c C-e l p= like a
> typical LaTeX/pdf export?

If emacs is finding ox-tufte-latex.el, then the (require
'ox-tufte-latex) in the Local Variables part ought to register the
derived exporter with (org-export-dispatch) so you see an option to
export to Tufte LaTeX.  You should be able to =C-c C-e T p= to export to
Tufte LaTeX and open the pdf file.

> I've attached the output of *Org PDF LaTeX
> Ouput* if that shows what might have happened. It's *pretty* close,
> but the helix doesn't appear in the margin and the commands
> \mainmatter, \backmatter, etc. aren't registering.

I changed the default class to tufte-book, so \mainmatter etc. are
registered.  I also included instructions about changing the class to
tufte-handout in case you're exporting the handout subtree.

The helix didn't appear in the margin because =margin= is defined as an
argument to :float in ox-tufte-latex.el.  The ox-latex exporter ignores
:float margin.  So, when you used ox-latex the helix wasn't placed in
the margin.

> I added the path ~/.elisp/tufte-org-mode to .emacs and also accepted
> the local variables with "y" when I started .emacs and opened the
> file.
> For another check, I looked at TexLive 2016's tufte-latex-book.cls:
> ```
> $ head .texlive/2016/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tufte-latex/tufte-book.cls
> \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/06/01]
> %% note; handout is the same at v3.5.2
> \ProvidesClass{tufte-book}[2015/06/21 v3.5.2 Tufte-book class]
> ```
> I think that should meet the > v3.2 requirement (also looks like the
> linked website is up to 3.5.2, so that seems to match with me being up
> to date).

A typo on my part, now fixed in the documentation to show 3.5.2.

> [1] note on that: xparse in TexLive appears to be provided by
> l3packages, as an FYI. I tried `tlmgr install xparse` and got a
> warning that it wasn't in the repository. Just a heads up potentially
> for the docs?

Fixed.  Thanks.

Let me know if you have other questions.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

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