Thank you very much Eric S Fraga, H. Dieter Wilhelm, Marcin Borkowski, Nick
Dokos and Rasmus for helping me with this! I finally took Nick Dokos's approach,
and solved the problem! Here's what I did that worked:

1. In my .emacs, I added:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes
               '("letter" "\\documentclass[12pt]{letter}
2. In org-mode buffer, I had the following: \\
   * Letter to Flora on 2016-03-05
   :EXPORT_LATEX_HEADER: \signature{York}
   :EXPORT_DATE: 2016-03-05 Saturday
   :EXPORT_OPTIONS: title:nil toc:nil

   \opening{Hi Flora,\\}

     Blah blah blah!


3. C-c C-e l o exporting to PDF
4. Print out the PDF file

Thanks again,\\

On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 2:04 PM, Rasmus <> wrote:
> York Zhao <> writes:
>> Hi list,
>> I've been wondering for a while that when using org-mode to write letters, 
>> how
>> do you export casual a letter that doesn't have from address and to address?
> If you really, really want to use ox-koma-letter couldn't you just set the
> addresses to @@latex:\mbox{}@@ or something similar?
> I think a better solution is just to use ox-latex.
> Rasmus
> --
> Dobbelt-A

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