Hi all,

I am playing around with storing data in special blocks. For example,
here is an example bit of "data" which is the CH4 (methane) molecule in
SMILES format in a MOLECULE block.

#+header: :format smiles
#+name: methane-smiles

Is is legal syntax to put a header in like this? It works, as in it
parses to

          (:type "MOLECULE" :begin 240 :end 323 :hiddenp nil
          :contents-begin 305 :contents-end 307 :post-blank 1
          :post-affiliated 288 :header
                 (":format smiles")
                 :name "methane-smiles" :parent nil))

but I haven't seen any documentation for headers on a special block.


Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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