Dear all.

I'm using org-mode as a writer and it is simply fantastic. One of the
things I enjoy more is the folding. A huge report like the one I'm
working on seems sooo easy... ;)

However, I don't know how to integrate that with some semantic markup
and the latex exporter at the same time (BTW, org+latex=awesomness!).

I'll use the abstract as example, but the same idea is valid for other
semantic markup like front, main and backmatter. 

As a MWE let's see this org file.

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
[some latex preamble]

* Abstract

The abstract body text (even with some level 2 headers in the middle).

* Process

** A level 2 header

It's body text and the rest of the report... 
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

When this is exported to latex (using a slightly modified memoir class),
the 1st header has "Abstract" as title, but doesn't express that it *is*
an abstract. So, for example, it can be styled, or it can be searched
inside specifically. 

The org manual(1), says:

... place the abstract and #+LATEX: commands for frontmatter before the
first exported headline, e.g.,
  [Abstract here]

The question is: how do I use the 1st header (keeping it's folding and
referencing in org) while at the same time expressing that it is an
abstract? How (if) can be done not only before the ToC, LoF and LoT but
after them? 

I already tried this, without success:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
[some latex preamble]

* Abstract

The abstract body text (even with some level 2 headers in the middle).


* Process

It's body text and the rest of the report... 
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Is there is no mechanism yet (which I doubt) and if it makes sense, is
it possible to use properties for this? Something like:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
[some latex preamble]

* Abstract
:latex-type:    abstract

The abstract body text (even with some level 2 headers in the middle).

* Process

It's body text and the rest of the report... 
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

In this way each exporter backend can use that info as it pleases. Latex
to use it's specific markup, html to make a class, etc. 

Please forgive me if the answer is obvious, but I've searched and found
nothing. I did my homework and I'm sure it's there, but obviously I'm
not searching with the appropiate keywords.

As always, thank you in advance for sharing your time and experience. :)


eduardo mercovich 

 Donde se cruzan tus talentos 
 con las necesidades del mundo, 
 ahí está tu vocación.

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