On Thu, 21 Apr 2016, Charles C. Berry wrote:

On Thu, 21 Apr 2016, Vikas Rawal wrote:

I am trying to run R source code blocks on a remote server (defined in my ~/.ssh/config as cesp).

I am facing several problems.

1. The following sample block, when used with ":results value" does not give any results.

#+NAME: level1
#+begin_src R :results value :exports results :colnames yes :hline yes :session cesp :dir /cesp:/home/vikas/

I get the following message:

tramp-flush-directory-property: Wrong type argument: arrayp, nil

I think this is an issue with having different version of ESS on your local and remote systems.


The `different versions' issue affected my setup. But after correcting it, I still get the error you cited above.

Not sure exactly where the fault lies.


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