I'm not sure whether this is the right place for this or if I should be
looking elsewhere for it, so sorry if its the wrong place.

I'm converting a large latex file of 780 pages when its in a pdf file,
but I'm converting from latex to org-mode. I'm also taking the
opportunity of revising it and standardising it. And I'm also rebuilding
the bibliography database held in a bib file.

So I have a section in the org-mode file which has the old bibliography
index number alongside the new number. How can I have a popup just
showing those numbers which I can look at and then input a certain
number into the main body of the file, and then close the popup until I
need to call it again? The popup would need to be scrollable and appear
in the right third of the page.

I've tried to set it up with workgroups, and also tabs of the relevant
files next to each other in tabbar, but neither of these really worked.

A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk
TGmeds = http://www.tgmeds.org.uk
Debian 8.4, fluxbox 1.3.7, emacs 25.0.92

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