
I have a question regarding the include of sub .org files into a main file.
As for now, I know it is possible to do that with

**** include file

#+INCLUDE: "archives.org"

The target can be opened with C-c ' into another buffer (which runs the
command org-edit-special)

Alternatively, is it possible somehow to load the target file *content*
dynamically on revealing the subsection with TAB (as it was part of the
current buffer).
For example, with an unknown tag such as:

**** archives.org

Then, revealing this section would load, shift, and insert the archives.org
tree below ****

I may learn, bind the shortcut, or make a macro to do that but I was just
wondering if it already exists or if you could suggest a better way I
didn't think of, especially for the fact that once loaded/revealed, the
buffer is like there was just a single file (which is better for me to
search stuff).

Finally, if it doesn't exist and you think it would be nice to have, would
you please suggest an entry point in the source code to start digging ?

Have a nice day!

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