Here is a helm approach that seems like what you want.

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun tag-lister ()
  "Function that gets and returns possible tags."
  (list "tag1" "tag2" "tag3"))

(defun helm-tagger ()
   `((name . "HELM tag setter")
     (candidates . ,(tag-lister))
     (action . (lambda (candidate)
                 (org-set-tags-to (helm-marked-candidates)))))))

Xebar Saram writes:

> Hi guys
> i have a bunch of tags i define via
> (:startgroup)
>     ("Where?")
>     (:grouptags)
>      ("@home" . ?h)
>      ("@work" . ?w)
>      ("@pc" . ?p)
>      ("@family" . ?f)
>      ("@shop" . ?s)
>      (:endgroup)
> (:startgrouptag)
>     ("people")
>     (:grouptags)
>     ("allan" . ?a)
>     ("bob" . ?o)
>     ("joel" . ?j)
>     ("david" . ?d)
>     ("boris" . ?b)
>     ("massimo" . ?s)
>      (:endgrouptag)
> anyone know of a way to quick add tags via a helm/avy interface?
> right now its quite cumbersome to press C-c then C-c to see a list of all
> tags. also some tags have the same key (?a) and then its impossible to
> select the 2nd one
> thx alot in advance
> Z

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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