over many years, i have been trying to get org-protocol (or
anything similar) to work, and it is not working reliably.

intermittently, it says there is a greedy protocol.  the
success rate of capturing is around 50% maybe.  when it is not
working, it never works.  i have
noticed no correlation with anything that could cause this.

sometimes it captures bogus text when i just want the link,
but i don't care about that.  at least it copied the link.

i've tried:

  1) org-capture firefox extension
  2) a bookmark like this
  3) a bookmark like this
  4) i know there's a new one that is supposed to capture
     format better (so you don't end up with a single
     paragraph when there were several paragraphs).  that
     sounds wonderful!  however, i am limited in computer
     use (4 minutes at a time), so i don't know if it is
     worth my trying or not.  i have to use those 4 minutes responsibly.
  5) i followed various instructions

i currently using iceweasel 38.8.0 (debian jessie) and
emacs-version "24.4.1".

i understand elisp and org.

however, i don't understand javascript or org-protocol's
internal concepts.  i am limited in concentration ability,
so this could be a problem.  i am also hazy on how to set up
a bookmark, but i somehow managed to do it twice.


i am very often physically unable to use a keyboard.  during
these times i am often able to use a pointing device (2
mouses, one for clicking and one for moving).

i am often using firefox (iceweasel) and want to capture
things to org using only the mouse.

that's why i want this feature to work so much.


i want to use org-capture extension or similar so that i can
copy snippets of text like this:

  * [[link][descr]]
  text that i selected

(the --- indicates that it came from iceweasel, and is not something i wrote.)

or just the plain link like this if nothing is selected:

  * [[link][descr]]

i have this working.  it is just unreliable, failing randomly at random times.

(note: i don't want emacs to pop up and there should be no keyboard
interaction.  useful if emacs switches to the buffer it is saved to,
however.  i have all that stuff taken care of in my elisp.  that part
i understand and can fix by myself.)


i am stuck on this.

after all that long-windedness, my question is this:

  *what is the most reliable set of instructions or code to
  get iceweasel to work with org?*

i'd be grateful for any useful hints.




here are just 2 of the many elisp-side things i tried over
the years to get this to work.  elisp i can handle.

  (setq org-capture-templates
           ("p" "Protocol" entry (file+headline ,(concat org-directory
"notes.org") "Inbox")
            "* %^{Title}\nSource: %u, %c\n
           ("L" "Protocol Link" entry (file+headline ,(concat
org-directory "notes.org") "Inbox")
            "* %? [[%:link][%:description]] \nCaptured On: %U")
  ;; --- https://github.com/sprig/org-capture-extension#set-up-handlers-in-emacs

  (cl-loop for key in '("L" "p")
              ,(format "Protocol %s" key)
               ;; (concat org-directory "/executive--a.org")
              ;; \nkill %c\nselect %x
              ;; %:initial is like %i in org-protocol
              ;;   if text, do --
              ;; fixme i can perhaps remove my cleverness for whether
              ;; there is or is not selected text as in the
              ;; example above with begin quote.
              ;; a future security fix might break this cleverness
              "%(alpha-org-protocol-string \"%:link\" \"%:description\" \"%i\")"
              ;; "*
[[%:link][%:description]]\n%(alpha-org-protocol-region \"%i\")"
              :prepend t
              ;; fixme set this to nil if you want to debug ka
              :immediate-finish t
              ;; ensure it worked
              ;; just remember to go to prev buffer for where you were
              :jump-to-captured t)))
(defun alpha-org-protocol-string (link description region)
  (format "* %s\n%s\n"
          (org-make-link-string link description)
          (alpha-org-protocol-region region)))
(defun alpha-org-protocol-region (string)
  "If there is text, append dash to indicate quote."
  (if (= 0 (length string))
    (concat string "\n---")))

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