:: Rasmus  writes:

Rasmus> Sebastien Vauban <sva-n...@mygooglest.com> writes:

>> Hello all,
>> Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:
>>> John Kitchin <jkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu> writes:
>>>> I am finally getting around to switching over to org 8.3... One
>>>> thing I miss already is the colored background in the code
>>>> blocks. I recall that was removed. Has anyone looked into a way to
>>>> put it back?
>>> I use the attached patch for some "interactive slides" with babel.
>> Could it be put into the official code base, for all users to enjoy
>> colored backgrounds without having to patch their Org by hand?

Rasmus> Sure, eventually.  Let me know if you have tested the patch and
Rasmus> it works for you.

Rasmus> I don’t know much about faces, but it should work across all
Rasmus> relevant versions of Emacs.

Rasmus> Aside: Speaking of prettifying src blocks, with
Rasmus> prettify-symbols-mode I managed to make src-blocks look like
Rasmus> this when the cursor is somewhere else

Rasmus>     λ LANGUAGE ☰

Rasmus> and like this otherwise

Rasmus>      #+begin_src LANGUAGE :keyword₁ value₁ ⋯ :keywordₙ valueₙ

How do you do this?



Samuel W. Flint
      (9477 D23E 389E 40C5 2F10  DE19 68E5 318E 2665 96F4)
(λs.s s) λs.s s

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