John - thanks for your fast reply, and I am learning: 
didn't know that it should be possible to C-u on the candidate
selected - still: it's not working for me (yet), - I assume the error
is on my side, but I need more time to find it: start out from a fresh,
barely nothing config maybe, will get back, in case I get lost.


John Kitchin <> writes:

> Andreas Reuleaux writes:
>> I have used org-ref in the past and I liked it,
>> now I am trying to get it working again.
>> In a way this has become easier:
>> * I can install org-ref from Melpa now, instead of
>>   tangling from the file in the past
>> * with a fairly simple setup (omitting the details for now,
>>   but can give them of course), and the default
>>     (setq org-ref-completion-library 'org-ref-helm-bibtex)
>>   I get to chose my papers/books to cite in a quite comfortable way
>>   when I press C-c ]
>> But what does not currently work for me (and what used to work):
>> getting a choice of citation: cite/citep/citeauthor/nocite/whatever.
> To get this, you press C-u enter on the candidate you select, and that
> should give you a new helm selection for citation type. This is
> currently only possible in the helm backend. I am not sure if it can be
> done with ivy yet.
>> Basically I want 
>> * a list to choose from in the first place
>> * preferrably have my own list of choices, allowing me to focus on the
>>   ones that I really do use (not get distracted by other more exotic
>>   ones), and that what I can also switch on a per document basis
>>   between bitex/natbib/biblatex and the available options there
> You can customize org-ref-cite-types for this. Make it shorter, a local
> var, etc...
>> I know that org-ref is relying on reftex in this regard,
>> and when I just use plain reftex, or even (require 'org-ref-reftex),
>> I get to chose cite/citep/citeauthor etc., but I loose the comfort
>> of the org-ref-helm-bibtex input method.
>> Ideally - I guess I am dreaming - I would want to rely
>> on ivy (or helm) for narrowing down my choice of cite/citep/citeauthor
>> etc - rather than type some retex keystroke.
>> I got some help from this list in past, how to configure my reftex
>> list of choices, to use biblatex entries: parencite etc. - thanks again,
>> and can go through these old emails of mine of course, but I am not
>> sure in how far these things still apply, given that org-ref has
>> changed quite a lot in between. Also at the time, I was at least
>> presented some menu when I typed C-u C-c ] - so it was just a matter
> I think C-u C-c ] will give a list of labels to make a ref link to.
> Maybe you don't have any labels, so it looks empty.
>> of modifying that menu, now I only get to see "pattern:" in the minibuffer.
>> Thanks,
>>   Andreas

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