
I need some help to understand the way the hour grid works in agenda displays. I read this page from the doc :

[1] http://orgmode.org/manual/Time_002dof_002dday-specifications.html

But my agenda doesn’t look like the examples there. Its timed events appear in seemingly random order and they are not reflected in the hourly grid when I display it.

Here’s a snippet from my weekly agenda without the grid:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- Monday 27 June 2016 W26 vic: 17:00...... Docteur Dupont vic: 9:00...... Appeler Dupond Tuesday 28 June 2016 vic: 10:00...... Rencontrer Pierre vic: 14:00...... Voir Jacques vic: 14:00...... Rdv Paul? vic: 12:00...... Visite Julie

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Based on [1] I’d expect Appeler Dupond to appear before Docteur Dupont on Monday. There seems to be no logic in the order of the events on Tuesday either. All these events come from the same org file. None has a specific tag or something.

Here’s the same snippet with the hourly grid turned on:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- Monday 27 June 2016 W26 vic: 17:00...... Docteur Dupont vic: 9:00...... Appeler Dupond 16:04...... now - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20:00...... ---------------- 18:00...... ---------------- 16:00...... ---------------- 14:00...... ---------------- 12:00...... ---------------- 10:00...... ---------------- 8:00...... ---------------- Tuesday 28 June 2016 vic: 10:00...... Rencontrer Pierre vic: 14:00...... Voir Jacques vic: 14:00...... Rdv Paul? vic: 12:00...... Visite Julie --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Based on [1] I’d expect the two events at 9:00 and 17:00 on Monday to appear in the grid. I’d also expect the grid to progress from early at the top to late at the bottom. I’m not sure whether the line with "Now" should appear at the top (rather than at its place in the hour listing).

C-h v says that the value of org-agenda-time-grid is ((daily today require-timed) "----------------" (800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000)) This is the default setting I think. I have not set any variable related to the time grid in my .emacs file.

Where else should I look to get the timed events arranged in their chrolonogical order?

I have Org-mode 8.3.4 with Emacs 24.5.1

Best regards,

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