
I added group tags to org-tag-alist.
    (:startgrouptag . nil)
      ("▸_NEW_SKILL" . ?\3)
      ("✔_OFF_CASE_PLAN" . ?\4)
      ("✘_LEFT_FIELD" . ?\5)
    (:endgrouptag . nil)

When I used mobile org, about when it was generating indices, it
displayed the following message:
  org-mobile-create-index-file: Wrong type argument: sequencep,

I expected Mobile Org to finish properly.  (It had before adding the
group tags.  I believe that group tags should be supported.)

Research on the web returned this thread:
  From:         John Hutchinson
  Subject:      Re: [O] Bug and possible fix / work-around using
  org-mobile with group tags
  Date:         Fri, 26 Feb 2016 00:35:01 +0000 (UTC)

This thread recommended the following patch:
HoldingPen $ cat patch
*** org-mobile.el.GOOD  2016-02-25 17:19:52.489685000 -0500
   2016-02-25 19:18:38.746283600 -0500
*** 454,467 ****
        (insert "#+TODO: " (mapconcat 'identity todo-kwds " ") " | "
                (mapconcat 'identity done-kwds " ") "\n"))
        (setq def-tags (mapcar
!                     (lambda (x)
!                       (cond ((null x) nil)
!                             ((stringp x) x)
!                             ((eq (car x) :startgroup) "{")
!                             ((eq (car x) :endgroup) "}")
!                             ((eq (car x) :grouptags) nil)
!                             ((eq (car x) :newline) nil)
!                             ((listp x) (car x))))
        (setq def-tags (delq nil def-tags))
        (setq tags (org-delete-all def-tags tags))
--- 454,469 ----
        (insert "#+TODO: " (mapconcat 'identity todo-kwds " ") " | "
                (mapconcat 'identity done-kwds " ") "\n"))
        (setq def-tags (mapcar
!                       (lambda (tag)
!                         (cl-case (car tag)
!                           ((nil) nil)
!                           (:startgroup "{")
!                           (:endgroup "}")
!                           (:startgrouptag "{")
!                           (:endgrouptag "}")
!                           (:grouptags ":")
!                           (:newline nil)
!                           (t (car tag))))
        (setq def-tags (delq nil def-tags))
        (setq tags (org-delete-all def-tags tags))
HoldingPen $

I manually applied the patch.  It resolved my issue.

Two Questions:
= Is there any down-side to this patch?  (My knowledge of LiSP and Org
is very limited.)
= If appropriate, can the source code be patched?

Thank you.


Emacs  : GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (i686-pc-mingw32)
 of 2015-04-11 on LEG570
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