Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> On Tuesday,  6 Sep 2016 at 11:07, Charles Millar wrote:
>> The mail list search has been broken for more than one year (close to
>> two). I and others have asked that it be repaired and nothing has
>> happened!
> Are you sure it's been broken that long?  I don't use it often but I
> thought I used it more recently than that.  Oh well, doesn't matter;
> just curious.  The key is that it's broken now but at least there are
> alternatives.

I'm not sure whether Charles is referring to Gmane search or the search: I understood it to be the latter. If he indeed
means the latter, I can agree that it seems broken.  It might just be
that the index is not being rebuilt regularly, or there might be some
deeper problem, but I have found it to be unusable.

Gmane (while it was still alive) broke a few times but it was always
repaired fairly quickly (I nagged Lars a couple of times about it, so
I may have indirectly contributed to him giving up in disgust ;-) ).
Now that Gmane is being resurrected[1], I hope that things will be
more or less back to normal in fairly short order.

[1] see another post of mine in this thread - although bear in mind
    that my posts seem to take 12 hours to appear on the list; no
    idea why.

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