Jorge <> writes:

> I request the feature of Org automatically updating cookies when using
> structure editing commands such as C-c C-x C-w, C-c C-x C-y, <M-left>,
> <M-right> and friends.  This could be governed by a user option.
> The point is that C-u C-c # (to update cookies in the entire buffer) takes
> long enough that I only call it a few times per week.  This means that cookies
> can get out of sync.  Then I try to remember manually invoking C-c # on the
> relevant line every time it goes out of sync, but I sometimes omit it.

Yeah, I have wished for this myself.  It would probably work without too
much overhead to advise the outline-manipulating functions to call
org-update-statistics-cookies afterward.  There might be a few other
functions to advise also to get more complete coverage.

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