
>> To me, the syntax is a bit tiresome for inline calls,
>>      call_<name>[<inside header arguments>](<arguments>)[<end header 
>> arguments>]
> This is where macros can shine. You can define a macro expanding to this
> template.


>> I wonder if we could allow remote editing of macros like with table
>> formulas.
> This is orthogonal to the issue. Once edited, it sill have to be
> inserted in the document as a multi-line macro, which is not possible.

Not if we can automatically format lines, which is not at all obvious.  It
might be possible with lispy macros, but might not be possible in general.
(Table formula lines can be long, but it's not a problem since they can be
edited in a separate window).


To err is human. To screw up 10⁶ times per second, you need a computer

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