On 10/23/2016 07:36 PM, Tristan Strange wrote:
> The world of calendars is a murky one isn't it? After a couple of weeks
> of fiddling around I finally decided I'd keep my TODO's, deadlines, etc
> in a TODO.org and have org-gcal fetch (note not synchronise) my calendar
> from Google.
> That way I do all my daily TODO mangling in orgmode, edit calendar when
> on Desktop or Mobile and pull results in to org agenda for easier viewing.
> So how do you lot handle your calendars?

Since I lack the knowledge that appears to be needed to get calendar
syncing to work, my need for a calendar on my phone is limited, and it
pains me greatly to make any changes to my calendar outside of org, I
have a very primitive system for transferring my calendar to my phone.

Whenever I make a change to my calendar on my laptop, I open the agenda
to show the month which contains the change, export that month to an
html file (with a name like 2016-10.html), and upload the html file to
my phone via Bluetooth. The html file looks good when I open it on my
Android phone and I don't have to carry my laptop everywhere.

At first, I used Dropbox instead of transferring via Bluetooth, but the
Android Dropbox app has permission to take over your phone and that
worried me (I have all the Google apps except one turned off on my
phone). I like the fact that I don't have to connect to the Internet to
transfer the calendar to the phone.

Yes, this system is embarrassingly simple and it has no features that
many would want to have, but I don't need those features. All I need is
to be able to look at my calendar when I don't have my laptop, and this
system allows me to do that.

Scott Randby

> Do any of you have a working two way set up with CalDAV or anything?
> Cheers,
> Tristan

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