Since DocBook XML is not supported by the new org-mode export
architecture, I tried following the recommendation here:

exporting to texi and then using makeinfo to convert to DocBook XML.
This worked reasonably smoothly, though it still required some hand
editing. In particular, there are a number of constructs that seem to be
completely different in org->makeinfo generated XML vs. the DocBook XML
my team is using. I'm not sure this is exhaustive, but here's what I've
found so far:

Effect MakeInfo XML output Desired DocBook XML id strings
Mixed_Case_Section_Title XXXX_lower_case_section_title chapter, sect
labels label="n.n" *n/a* Code example <screen>...</screen>
<programlisting>...</programlisting> Graphic <informalfigure>
<mediaobject>  <imageobject>   <imagedata fileref="..."
format="..."></imagedata>  </imageobject> </mediaobject>
</informalfigure><para><graphic fileref="..." format="..."/><para>
Definition list <variablelist> <varlistentry>  <term>...</term>
<listitem>   <para>...</para>  </listitem> </varlistentry> ...
</variablelist><glosslist> <glossentry>  <glossterm>...</glossterm>
<glossdef><para>...</para></glossdef> </glossentry> ... </glosslist>

I hope this HTML table comes through.

I'm assuming I could create a fairly simple XSLT script to convert the
makeinfo output to the desired XML, but I'm wondering if there's a way
to pass a stylefile, DTD or schema to makeinfo to do this automatically.
Anyone know?

I looked at the help for makeinfo, but didn't see anything I recognized
as a way to do this.


  Peter Davis

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