Thanks to Charles Berry and the "scraps" site curated by Eric Schulte
(is he on the list?), I now know how to do "branching" flow control
when tangling, by using a form that evals to either "no" or a filename
as the argument to the =:tangle= header.

How do you do "looping" flow control?

For context, what I'm trying to write is a single Org file from which
I can tangle out a number of =~/.ssh/config= files, one for each of
several hosts on a LAN. Within this file I need to repeatedly place a
template =BEGIN_SRC ssh-config= block, each time with a few words and
numbers changed. Do you do this anywhere? If so, how have you
implemented it?

I'm already at the point where I can do a dumb, brute-force version
with lots of near-identical blocks that I know will give me what I
need, so that's fine, but I like to keep things DRY.

It occurs to me that looping may simply not be what tangling is for,
and I need to look at levels of indirection. That is, tangle to a
bunch of intermediate Org files each of which tangles to a config
file: is that what you would recommend? Or transclude an Org file
containing my block template and perhaps somehow use tags and
=org-get-tags-at= to parameterize each inclusion? Anyone already doing
something like that?

Phil Hudson        
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) ID: 0x887DCA63

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