Hi all,

I've come into the need to track the time I'm working on a particular project, which is great with Org, but I also need to report the tracked time on a day-to-day basis. This seems somewhat less straightforward to do. I realize I can generate a report limited to today by specifying `:block today`, but that only gives me the time clocked today. What do I do when I want to get a day-to-day overview of the time spent on a project? Do I need to maintain another table by hand, in which I copy the time calculated by `org-clock-report` at the end of each day? Or is there a better method?

BTW, just looking at the LOGBOOK drawer doesn't work, because I may clock in and out of a project several times a day.

Thanks for any hints and suggestions!

Joost Kremers
Life has its moments

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