
On Thu, 15 Dec 2016 at 22:55 Yehonathan Sharvit <> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 5:50 PM, Matt Price <> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 5:07 AM, Bastien <> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> Matt Price <> writes:
> > Would we need a switch to permit the old syntax for people with
> > complex setups who don't want to change?
> Yes.  We need to be more careful on being backward compatible.
> The new patch in that other thread does this.
> >     - make src-clojure in <pre class="src src-clojure"> customizable
> >     ?
> >
> > Is this likely to break anything in derived exporters? It would
> > certianly be convenient e.g for using highlight.js in wordpress in
> > similar environments.
> Yes.
> > This seems like a good idea and pretty easy.
> I will think more about this.
> > I odn't really quite understand the problem and solution parameters.
> > Since Yehonathan is here on this thread and enthusiastic about
> > helping out: is there something he could do to make this feasible for
> > us?  Or by "more general mechanism" do you mean some third way
> > between bundling and linking to?
> One way to solve this on Yehonathan's side is to update klipse.js and
> follow the instruction on librejs on how to make librejs accept the js
> code as "safe":
> I don't know how much work is involved in this, though.
> I think you just have to add two lines to non-minified scripts, and one
> more to minified scripts:
> Yehonathan, would you bewilling to do this?
> ​Sure. Will do it tomorrow.​
> --
>  Bastien

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