Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> writes:

> * Phillip Lord <phillip.l...@russet.org.uk> wrote:
>> Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> writes:
>>> I got the tipp of creating «~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-30000101/org-pkg.el»
>>> with:
>>>   (define-package "org" "30000101" "Dummy org mode package" 'nil)
>> You could probably do something with package-pinned-packages also.
> Hm.
> I'm not an expert in package.el or package managers in general but
> isn't "pinning" something different? I thought that pinning is
> "install a package and prevent it from being updated".
> Whereas I want to avoid a package to be installed in the first
> place.

Pinning is to say "I want this package to come from this place". In this
case, you want to say "I want this package to come from the file
system". It seems a related issue.

It's not going to happen unless someone codes it or reports it, though.


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