On Thu, 29 Dec 2016, "Martin Gürtler" wrote:

Dear list,
I am exporting the following org mode file:
* doc
#+BEGIN_SRC shell :exports none
ls |wc
: 20      20     199
I'd expect org mode to honour the :exports none header argument and
create a document that contains only the result.
However, the exported document contains  both, code and results.
This seems to be independent of the type of SRC and independent of the
export type (I tried dot and shell for odt, latex and beamer exports).
How can I get rid of the src code in the exported document?

What does C-h v org-export-use-babel RET say?

If the result is not `t' that is the problem, and somewhere in your setup you have set that variable (or its predecessor org-export-babel-evaluate) to nil or something other than `t'.

If this is the problem, set org-export-use-babel to `t'. You might also note the advice in the docstring:

"Users who wish to avoid evaluating code on export should use the header
argument ‘:eval never-export’."



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