Christian Wittern writes:

> Hi Org, especially Org-ref users,
> I have seen a number of org-ref related questions here recently, so I guess 
> it is OK to ask here.
> I am trying to move to a more sophisticated bibliography format involving 
> some new field types recently added to biblatex. An author field for example 
> can look like
> author = {family=Fang, given=Ailong, cjk=方愛龍},
> where cjk is defined using biblatex's tools for this as a name addon. 
> Obviously, neither parsebib, helm-bibtex or org-ref understand this format 
> (yet). However, I do not understand where I have to intervene to display 
> this in a reasonable way, that is family name, given name and cjk name.  Is 
> there a custom I have to redefine, or a hook I should add somewhere?

There is not a way to hook or define a format for this that I know of.
For helm-bibtex, you might be able to redefine or advise
bibtex-completion-apa-format-authors to handle that.

> Another unrelated question is how to stop org-ref from displaying both the 
> key and the description of the link.  I seem to remember having seen some 
> discussion here about this, but can't find it now.

this is also not currently customizable. The description in cite links
is used for pre/post text in the citations, and they are shown in full
display so you can see the key and pre/post text. If you use the
description for anything else, the latex export will probably not be
what you expect.

You can turn off the full display like this:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(loop for cite in org-ref-cite-types
  (org-link-set-parameters cite :display nil))

> Any help appreciated,
> Christian

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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