On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 3:56 PM, William Denton <w...@pobox.com> wrote:
> I have a long and wide table of text I'd like to have sideways (landscape
> orientation) and stretch over multiple pages.  I can do either one but not
> both together.
> Here's a gist with a long, wide table:
> https://gist.github.com/wdenton/f11acf2e5257b29789f806b854d0709e
> If you take that and export it to LaTeX it will be long (on two pages) but
> not sideways, with some columns are cut off on the right---the float is
> being ignored, it seems.
> Using the float on its own does work, and this appears in the output:
> \begin{sidewaystable}[htbp]
> But when the longtable is there, it's just this without any sidewaystable:
> \begin{longtable}{rrllllll}
> Is this a bug?  I assumed they'd work together out of the box, but maybe I
> need to do something special.

I'm not sure what version of org I was using at the time (2014), but
knew I'd done this. This might not be exactly what you wanted, but I
just used landscape instead of sideways table and know it worked:

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{lscape}

#+latex: \begin{landscape}
#+latex: \tiny
#+attr_latex: :align llll|llllll|lllllll|lll :env longtable
| table | goes | here |
#+latex: \end{landscape}

Like I said, that was old, so some of the syntax would be different
(like #+begin_export latex / #+end_export) but it's what I had on hand
to send quick!


> Bill
> --
> William Denton :: Toronto, Canada :: https://www.miskatonic.org/
> Caveat lector.

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