On 01/24/2017 04:36 PM, Pete Siemsen wrote:
> I use Org mode version 8.2.10 under Aquamacs version 3.3 on Mac Sierra 
> 10.12.3.
> When I do "C-c a s" to search my org files for a keyword, it works
> fine, except when I mistakenly search for nothing. In other words, if
> when prompted for a search string, I hit RETURN, Aquamacs dives into
> an infinite loop. I have to force-quit Aquamacs and restart.

This doesn't happen with Org 9.0.3 in GNU Emacs 24.5.1 on Xubuntu 16.04.
Maybe updating Org will fix the problem.

Scott Randby

> -- Pete

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