Hi.  I have started this instance of GNU Emacs with an empty init
file and then I customized org-log-note-clock-out to t.  Then I created a
new Org buffer with a single level 1 headline, and set property
CLOCK_INTO_DRAWER to nil.  I then clocked in and then out, adding a note.
The note was stored outside any drawer (as requested) and above the clock
line.  Then I clocked in and out again, adding a second note.  The result

      * Teste
        :CLOCK_INTO_DRAWER: nil
        - Teste 2.
        - Teste 1.
        CLOCK: [2017-01-31 Tue 14:12]--[2017-01-31 Tue 14:13] =>  0:01
        CLOCK: [2017-01-31 Tue 14:12]--[2017-01-31 Tue 14:12] =>  0:00

"teste" is Portuguese for "test".

I expected the "Teste 1" line to stay in its place above the corresponding
clock line, like this:

      * Teste
        :CLOCK_INTO_DRAWER: nil
        - Teste 2.
        CLOCK: [2017-01-31 Tue 14:12]--[2017-01-31 Tue 14:13] =>  0:01
        - Teste 1.
        CLOCK: [2017-01-31 Tue 14:12]--[2017-01-31 Tue 14:12] =>  0:00

This bug occurred in my config.  My workaround was to configure Org to add
logs and clock lines into the LOGBOOK drawer.  Then the bug does not
materialize and I get correct result (except that I cannot configure Org the
way I want).


Emacs  : GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.18.9)
 of 2016-12-31
Package: Org mode version 9.0.4 (9.0.4-elpaplus @

• I am Brazilian.  I hope my English is correct and I welcome corrections.
• Please adopt free formats like PDF, ODF, Org, LaTeX, Opus, WebM and 7z.
• Free (as in free speech) software for Android: https://f-droid.org/

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