Hi Lars,

2017ko urtarrilak 31an, Lars Ingebrigtsen-ek idatzi zuen:
> John Wiegley <jwieg...@gmail.com> writes:
>> We're moving toward a future where Emacs.git will represent "core
>> Emacs", and only contain what core needs (plus a few historical bits,
>> I'm sure). There should be no argument for keeping a project in core
>> just to gain auxiliary benefits.
> I'm massively unenthusiastic about this future.  Things in ELPA has to
> be backwards-and-forwards compatible with a wide Emacs version range,

This seems like a technical limitation of ELPAʼs current implementation,
rather than a conceptual impossibility.  If ELPA made available (on the
server for downloading, and in the client for installing) old versions
of packages, then users could always be offered the latest compatible
version, but not later incompatible ones.

Developers would have to be a little more diligent about declaring their
packagesʼ dependencies on emacs major versions (or on other packages, if
they depend on parts of core that have migrated to ELPA), but this would
be a small hurdle.


PS Speaking of dependency management, Iʼd be more worried that this kind
of approach will accelerate the advent of dependency hell with ELPA
packages...but I think all package repos have to confront that problem
eventually.  So Iʼd file that thought under “inevitable growing pains”
rather than “arguments against”.

Aaron Ecay

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