Sharon Kimble <> writes:

> I'm writing a document which is exported to latex and then built into a
> PDF where I might have 'Alcohol', just as an example, mentioned several
> times in different level headings. Currently I'm using org links like
> this [[*Alcohol][Alcohol]] but that only allows me to link to one
> heading only.
> I've tried using links like this
> [[id:542d0880-c0fd-46d5-b75d-4cc6f5fa99cc][Alcohol]] and under the
> heading that I'm linking to it says -
> *** Alcohol
> :ID:     542d0880-c0fd-46d5-b75d-4cc6f5fa99cc  
> :END:
> But when exported it does not work.
> So, how can I link to specific headings, preferably with a unique ID
> please?

Nothing that I tried worked, yes, I was using 'org-id', but it was still
failing, so I set about building a MWE.

And then I found the problem - the latex package called 'titlesec' when
used with org-mode to latex is incompatible with org-mode and stops
org-id from working. Comment it out and org-id works perfectly again.
What 'titlesec' does is compress the space around each header, so its a
latex problem not an org-mode problem, so I shall look for a latex
solution to compressing the header spaces.

Thanks for all the suggestions and ideas to solve the problem.

A taste of linux =
TGmeds =
Debian 8.6, fluxbox 1.3.5-2, emacs

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