      #+BEGIN_SRC clojure :session
      (def kk "stardiviner")

Press =[C-c C-c]= to evaluate this. Then check out =kk= in CIDER REPL

That's why my problem happens:


Also I did some simple edebug on ob-clojure.el:


      #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
       (nrepl-sync-request:eval "(print \"hello, world!\")"
(cider-current-connection) (cider-current-session))
       ;; key: "output", "status"

       (dict "status"
             ("namespace-not-found" "done" "error" "done" "state" "state")
             "id" "8" "session" "7dcda490-01d9-4411-a05b-804a4f8663b6"
             "repl-type" "cljclj")

You can see the request evaluate result is error.

[stardiviner]           <Hack this world!>      GPG key ID: 47C32433
IRC(freeenode): stardiviner                     Twitter:  @numbchild
Key fingerprint = 9BAA 92BC CDDD B9EF 3B36  CB99 B8C4 B8E5 47C3 2433
Blog: http://stardiviner.github.io/

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