Narendra Joshi <> writes:

> Hi,
> Sometimes when I am taking notes, I end up spending a lot of time in a
> capture buffer. If I happen to switch to something else, I end up
> loosing the capture buffer. I probably just kill the buffer
> accidentally, or do `C-c C-k'.
> Is there a way I can take backups of the buffer to a file?

Dunno about backups, but I experience this problem too. (Another
annoyance I have is accidentally hitting `C-c C-c' to tick a check box
and having my in-progress work being moved.) It can help to use the
`:immediate-finish' and `:jump-to-captured' settings like so:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  ("n" "Note" entry (file "")
   (file "")
   :empty-lines 1
   :immediate-finish t
   :jump-to-captured t)


; GNU Emacs 25.1.1, Org mode version 9.0.5

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