Suppose I use a heading to store notes on a meeting.

Is there a canonical location to put a date so I could search for them

It seems like the date is not a deadline, or scheduled timestamp.  I
could see putting the date in the headline, but then I do not see an
obvious way to search for meetings that occurred in a time range.
Putting the date in the body is another location, but then I do not know
how it might be searched again.

Another option is a property, which might be searchable at least with a

What do you do along these lines?

Here is a simple example of a headline I might have, and later I might
want a report of all meetings in the month of February.

* Group meeting <2017-02-24 Fri> :meeting:

Notes about today's meeting...


Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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