Saša Janiška <> writes:

> Eric Abrahamsen <> writes:
>> This is on the roadmap for EBDB[1]. i
> It’s already starred here. ;)
>> It already supports multiple databases, and can export to vcard. I'm
>> working on vcard import now, and when that's done it will be a native
>> Vcard database.
> Wonderful…thanks a lot for your work on it!!
>> Then CardDAV. I also use DAVDroid and really want this feature myself,
>> though I can't promise any kind of timeline!
> I’m so excited about the prospect of EBDB, that it might push me in the
> direction to finally learn Elisp. :-)

Glad to know you're enthusiastic, and patches are always welcome!

I do expect the DAV server stuff to take me a while, though. I've heard
the protocol is a bear, and I don't have much experiences with XML or
network programming. I expect to crib a lot of code out of org-caldave


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