At the moment, rather than using BibTeX, I'm just doing citations
manually, using org's footnote mechanism and /italics/ markup.  This
works, but I think I may have a few bugs to report with org's LaTeX
export.  All those italics, punctuation, and parentheses in close
proximity seem like they may be causing problems.  I haven't yet
sorted out where the problems are, but I'll report them as soon as I
If you can imagine forgoing the luxury of BibTeX, this is probably the
way to go., alternately you could use BibTeX to assure the quailty of
your LaTeX output (print still rules in some quarters), but do manual
citations in using #+HTML markup.

If you want to use BibTeX for your citations, you'd have to have
either: (1) a bibtex engine for HTML (does it exist?) or (2) get org
to cleverly insert fragments of TeX output in HTML, both for each
citation and the bibliography.  This would be ugly even if it were
easy, and I suspect it's not.

With regard to (1), I suppose you could hack together a very
rudimentary substitution engine to replace your \cites with
preformatted citations which were already set up in org markup, and
would therefore export into HTML.  This could be promising if your
citation requirements are simple, and if you do enough work using a
single style guide to make the setup work worth it.

You may find a LaTeX to HTML exporter that can do the trick.  And if
it did, this might be the best of all worlds.

The last option would be working up an org export to 'pandoc', an
extension of Markdown which has a very cool citation mechanism in
development (using Citation Style Language, the same as the Zotero
bibliographic manager, so there are already many citation styles).
It's working (and can use BibTeX databases), but I've not put it to
the test. If you could sucessfully get your work from org to pandoc,
you could then export to either LaTeX or HTML (as well as ODF and
OOXML).  There are some people on this list working on (or musing
over) a generalized org2wiki exporter, and, it might someday be
possible to coax that to export to pandoc/Markdown.  This is, only a
possibility, though, and not free of problems.  I only put it down for
the record.


On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Taru Karttunen <> wrote:
> Hello
> Is there a good way of writing articles so that citations and
> the bibliography works in both latex and html?
> Currently I am using \cite{foobar} in the text and
> have:
> #+LATEX: \bibliographystyle{foo}
> #+LATEX: \bibliography{bar}
> In the end and a corresponding .bib file. This works nicely with
> latex, but I would like a solution that worked also with html.
> How have other people solved this?
> - Taru Karttunen
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