On Feb 10, 2009, at 10:06 PM, Rasmus Pank Roulund wrote:

There seems to be a bug in HTML export.
I am using Org for making a (fancy) web site.
I define the top menu via a list which is made fancy via CSS.

The Org file looks like this:

   #+HTML: <div id="topbar">

     - [[file:index.org][Forside]]
     - [[file:eksempler.org][Eksempler]]

   #+HTML: </div>

Org cannot know that you do want to end the list here, the HTML insertion might be part of the list.

I do not know how to fix this.

I also have a couple of feature request/bug reports for html export:

First: it would be nice if one could specify the location of the title
similar to the [TABLE-OF-CONTENTS] option. At the moment it seems to
always be placed in the top of the page, which might not be desirable.

It seems to me quite reasonable to put it at the top of the page.
Don't forget that Org is not a full HTML editor, it just tried to do
a good job at converting your file.

Second: I do not know if this is a feature, but * Heading (i.e. a first
level heading) is marked as a <h2> heading. It should probably be
<h1>. At least one should be able to define it as a <h1> heading.

See `org-export-html-toplevel-nlevel', and also see

Third (bug): Sometimes links are rendered wrong:
[[http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/k/keynes/john_maynard/k44g/k44g.html ]] is rendered as <a href="http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/k/keynes/john_maynard/k44g/k44g.html ">http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/k/keynes/john<sub>maynard</ sub>/k44g/k44g.html</a>
notice the <sub>-tags!

You do not have a recent version of Org-mode.  Please always
try the latest version before reporting bugs.

Forth: Sometimes it is desirable to be able to #+HTML in links and
titles. This is not possible.
For example:
#+TITLE:      #+HTML: <span class="latex">T<sub>E</sub>X</span>
#+HTML: <span class="latex">X<sub>&#398;</sub>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>

This is not supported currently, and I am not sure we will get there.
For this specific case you will get away with

#+TITLE:    @<span class="latex">T@<sub>E@</sub>X@</span>

However, if you need this much or more control, maybe Muse
will be a better option.

- Carsten

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