>>>>> "LF" == Luca Ferrari <fluca1...@infinito.it> writes:

    LF> Hi all,
    LF> I'm running emacs 25.1.2 and I've no beamer export in the C-c C-e.
    LF> I've tried to include the directives:

    LF> #+LaTeX_CLASS: beamer
    LF> #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [presentation,smaller]
    LF> #+BEAMER_THEME: default

    LF> and then do a latex ordinary export (C-c C-e l p) but I got 'Unknow
    LF> latex beamer class'.
    LF> Am I missing something?

Yes. Either use `org-beamer-mode' or use #+STARTUP: beamer in your org



Sebastian (Rudolfo) Christ
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