On Mon, 29 May 2017, Vikas Rawal wrote:

Why does the replace keyword not work? It prepends the results. I have
tried both ":results value replace" and ":results output replace".

I am on org-version 9.0.7


#+NAME: one
#+BEGIN_SRC org :results value replace export both
,#+NAME: table-yield
,#+CAPTION: Simple table created using latex tabular environment
,#+attr_latex: :environment tabular :width \textwidth :align lrr
   | State          | Variable one | Varia two |
   | MP             |           672 |          13000 |
   | Har            |           300 |          25000 |
   | Pun            |           260 |          35000 |

The problem is that the results you generate is a table with affiliated keywords NAME and CAPTION and ATTR_[backend].

`org-at-table-p' does not recognize that the keywords are followed by a table. Altering this function might be asking for trouble as it is used outside babel.

So maybe the cond test should refer to `org-element-context' to better sort this out and correctly identify the table end.

Unless/until this happens you can use `:wrap org src'.



p.s. M-x org-lint RET shows you forgot the `:' before `export'

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