Cool, you're welcome. It is not the most convenient solution, but
keeping your tables in Editorial Markdown syntax should work:

Cat | Fur   |
--- | ---   |
A   | A lot |
B   | None  |

2017-06-03 16:46 GMT+00:00 Peter Davis <>:
> Thanks, Vincente.
> I'm specifically aiming at the Markdown syntax supported by the Editorial
> app, which does include markup for tables. Unfortunately, it looks like
> Editorial's Markdown doesn't use the initial '|', so simply exporting the
> org markup won't work without some editing.
> Thanks!
> -pd
> On Sat, Jun 3, 2017, at 12:31 PM, Vicente Vera wrote:
>> There are several Markdown "forks" which have different sets of features.
>> AFAIK the markdown exporter in Org is based upon John Gruber's
>> Markdown, which does not include a syntax for tables. Thus all tables
>> in Org documents get exported as HTML.
>> A workaround is to wrap your Org tables as:
>> | Name   | Years |
>> | Edward |    44 |
>> | Sylvia |    45 |
>> On export to Markdown the tables will be kept unmodified as Org syntax.
>> It is important that you know which flavor of Markdown you're
>> targeting, because not all versions accept tables in Org syntax.
>> Pandoc's Markdown have a similar syntax for "pipe tables". However,
>> you may type all tables in any syntax accepted by your Markdown
>> version and keep them wrapped in #+BEGIN_EXPORT tags.
>> 2017-06-03 13:41 GMT+00:00 Peter Davis <>:
>> >
>> > I'd like to be able to move easily between org-mode and the IOS app
>> > Editorial, which is mainly based around markdown syntax. I can
>> > easily export markdown from org-mode, but the tables seems to come
>> > through as straight HTML, as opposed to markdown's table
>> > syntax. This makes it more difficult to edit the resulting files.
>> >
>> > Is there a way to get org to export to markdown using md's table syntax?
>> >
>> > (FWIW, I tried using pandoc, but this just removed the table syntax
>> > altogether, so an entire table would just run together into a
>> > paragraph of gibberish.)
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > -pd
>> >
>> >
> --
>   Peter Davis

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