Hi Eric.

The standard clocking task mechanism will do it fine.


However, since there are many multiple small observations along one task, maybe a capture template is a bit overdo...

I find that capturing is a lightweight activity. It all depends on what you expect to have to do. For instance, I log some activities by simply typing "C-c c l COUPLE OF KEYWORDS C-c C-c" and I'm done! The entry is time stamped automatically and it simply allows me to note something
without really intruding into a workflow.

It could be... maybe I feel it like too much it's because some obs are really quite short (like 1 name/place) and I took them as lines, so headings or list items are more than enough.
I'll have to try it. :)

OTOH, I just found the perfect timestamping method: org-timer. :)))


eduardo mercovich

Donde se cruzan tus talentos con las necesidades del mundo, ahí está tu vocación. (Anónimo)

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