On Wed, Jun 21, 2017, at 12:51 PM, Mario Martelli wrote:
>>  it would make sense to suggest the
>> new style syntax as the default for use by us newbies.
> yeah, thought about that too. At the moment it’s still a copy of the old doc. 
> Got no feedback so far wether my approach would be acceptable or not. 
> Therefore I did not put much effort into it. 
> But you’re right. The examples should be new style URIs and the infobox 
> should reference the old style URIs.

One last question/suggestion:

The default capture template didn't work for me:

         *"Default template"*
         (file+headline *"~/org/capture.org"* *"Notes"*)
         *"* %^{Title}\n\n  Source: %u, %c\n\n  %i"*
         *:empty-lines* 1)

The %u and %c bits got replaced by the actual link code (i.e.,
javascript:...). The following works as I wanted:

    ("w" "Default capture " entry
      (file "~/org/notes.org")
      "* %^{Title}
    Source: [[%:link][%:description]]
    %:initial" :empty-lines 1)

At this point I'm still a little confused, so perhaps I borked something
else up and the problem is local to my setup.



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