I’ve incorporated the org-protocol documentation into org.texi.


In a separate branch you could see the history of changes to the original 
org-protocol documentation from worg


Still not sure wether the open-source subprotocol is broken or not.

Kind regards

> Am 22.06.2017 um 10:40 schrieb Mario Martelli <tl...@schnuddelhuddel.de>:
> I’m about to incorporate the new style URIs into the documentation. 
> During my tests somehow the open-source protocol does not work for me.
> I assume a bug around Line 527 in org-protocol.el
>       (let* ((base-url (plist-get (cdr prolist) :base-url))
> —>               (wsearch (regexp-quote base-url)))           <—
> Could anyone confirm that? I’m unsure whether it might be a local 
> misconfiguration on my side or not.
> I tried it with the worg example:
>       emacsclient 
> "org-protocol://open-source?url=http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-import-rtm.html”
> and escaped
>       emacsclient 
> 'org-protocol://open-source?url=https%3A%2F%2Forgmode.org%2Fworg%2Forg-tutorials%2Forg-import-rtm.html’
> In both cases it fails silently.
>> I'm not sure why is pandoc needed here. Org can export to Texinfo
>> format, if needed.
> Thank you! Output is much nicer than with pandoc. I’ve disabled it years ago 
> because not needed. So it went out of my sight ;)
>> Also, if the syntax is not quite right, no worries,
>> we'll fix it.
> That are great news!
> Kind regards
> Mario
> — 

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