
I would like to know if someone can help me, please.

1. I currently have a file called
code-blocks.org. Let us say that it has something
like this:

* Routines
** numpy_import.py
#+NAME: py-Routines-numpy_import.py
#+CAPTION: py-Routines-numpy_import.py
#+BEGIN_SRC python :results none :noweb yes :tangle Routines/numpy_import.py
  # Numerical package
  import numpy as np
  # Plots
  from matplotlib import pyplot as pl

* Test
** simple.py
#+NAME: py-Test-simple_damage.py
#+CAPTION: py-Test-simple_damage.py
#+HEADER: :var fname="steps.csv"
#+HEADER: :dir "../Data/Raw"
#+HEADER: :exports none :results none
#+BEGIN_SRC python :noweb yes :tangle ./Damage/simple_damage.py :session

2. I load it into the library of babel with
~org-babel-lob-ingest~ (~C-c C-v i~).

3. Then, I have another file called tjp.org, which
may look something like this (please, read the contents):

* My tasks
** Go here
   - [X] This is a working example

     The following block works well: I can issue
     C-c C-c, C-c C-v v and the contents are
     parsed correctly.

     #+HEADER: :exports none :results none :eval no-export
     #+BEGIN_SRC python :noweb yes :dir "../Data/Raw"

   - [-] This does not work

     If I do C-c in the following block

     #+HEADER: :exports none :results none :eval no-export
     #+BEGIN_SRC python :noweb yes :dir "../Data/Raw"

     I get an error:
       File "<stdin>", line 2
       SyntaxError: invalid syntax

     If I do C-c C-v v, I see this:

   - [ ] If I put all the blocks in the same file,
     everything works.

Does anybody know what I am doing wrong? Thanks :) .

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp

: GNU Emacs 24.4.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.4.2)
:  of 2015-01-11 on maritornes, modified by Debian

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp

: 9.0.9


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