Dear Rasmus,

thanks for the fast reply.
> Rasmus <> wrote on July, 6th 2017, 09:03:
> Tobias Zawada <> writes:
> > At first I would like to ask whether it is already possible to change
> > the default settings of the source block header line switches.
> Couldn't you use #+property headers?
> E.g.
> #+PROPERTY: header-args:R :session *R*
> See:

No, switches and header arguments are (pityingly) two different concepts.

Currently, switches cannot be modified via header arguments.

But, you are partially right, It could be one solution of this enhancement 
request to introduce header-arguments for all switches, e.g., :sw-n, :sw+n. The 
values of those header arguments could be t and nil or, e.g., :sw+n 10.
Then the full mechanism for header arguments would work for switches.

See the description of switches at

Best regards,

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